Our FAQs

When do i need to see a gynaecologist for the first time?

- Its recommended anyone with a vagina who is 13-15 years see their gynaecologist to start and build a relationship to disccuss sexually transmitted infection screening, prevention, and other health care advice. The good news is your first visit may be only a conversation and/or an external examination to make sure everything is healthy with your female parts. Unless you are sexually active or have vaginal discharge or other complaints, You will not need an internal pelvic exam. A pap smear test for cervical cancer involves an internal exam and does not start until you are 21 years old.

Is my thyroid gland healthy and functioning normally?

Studies have shown that as many as one in five women who have PCOS also have subclinical levels of hypothyroidism. When the thyroid gland is not producing the levels of thyroid hormones that it should, it can make symptoms of PCOS worse. Hypothyroidism symptoms include fatigue, menstrual irregularities, weight gain, and hair loss. Luckily it's easy to supplement with thyroid hormone if your body does not make enough of it.

I feel so tired. How can i help myself feel better?

- Fatigue is normal and particularily marked in the first and early second trimesters. The hormonal changes associated with pregnancy that lead to massively increased cardiac output are probably responsible. By ten to twelve weeks your heart may be pumping an extra litre of blood per minute. This combined with the huge energy requirements of enlarging the uterine muscle just flat out make you tired!

What's the difference between Normal PMS and unhinged, need- meds PMS?

- Moodiness is a common part of PMS. What's uncommon, however, is anxiety that makes functioning in your daily life difficult or depression that leaves you highly irritable such that you are exploding at others or feeling hopeless and crying. These symptoms could indicate premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). If your PMS is interfering with your life, talk to your doctor, as PMDD can be treated with lifestyle changes, therapy, and medications.
